Treatments Throat Lingual Frenectomy (Tongue Tie Repair)

Lingual Frenectomy (Tongue Tie Repair)

If the frenulum is too short, we may need to cut it to resolve/prevent problems with speech and eating.

The frenulum is the thin band of tissue connecting the underside of the tongue with the mouth. If the frenulum is too tight it can limit movement of the tongue. In medical lingo, the condition is called ankyloglossia.

Causes of a tight frenulum:
It is congenital.

Symptoms of a tight Frenulum:
In infants, difficulty latching while breastfeeding, pain to mother while breastfeeding. In children or even adults, difficulty with tongue movement, difficulty enunciating or, rarely, problems with eating.


Benefits of Lingual Frenectomy

Lingual Frenectomy Improved Speech

Improved speech

Lingual Frenectomy Increased Movement Of The Tongue

Increased movement of the tongue

Lingual Frenectomy Improved Eating

Improved eating

Lingual Frenectomy Improved Breast Feeding

Improved breastfeeding

Lingual Frenectomy Improved Overall Quality Of Life

Improved overall quality of life

What to Expect

In infants who do not yet have teeth and in adults Dr. Davis performs this very brief procedure in the office. Recovery in infants is immediate since no cautery is necessary. In adults, Dr. Davis uses a small amount of cautery and so there is some soreness in the mouth for about a week that is controlled with prescription medications. For infants with teeth and children, the procedure is performed under sedation in a nearby operating room. As with adults, medications are prescribed for discomfort and there is some soreness in the mouth for up to a week.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*