Epley Maneuver
Using strategic movements, the Epley Maneuver can help relieve symptoms of dizziness and vertigo.
Vertigo is an uncomfortable condition that affects balance. One of the most common kinds of vertigo is called BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. The Epley Maneuver, which is also called the Canalith Repositioning Maneuver, is a non-invasive treatment for BPPV.
Cause of BPPV:
This condition occurs when crystals in the inner ear float away from their natural home and trigger vertigo with certain head movements. In some patients it can be related to trauma but more often than not, the cause is unknown.
Symptoms of BPPV:
Symptoms include severe vertigo, which is a spinning/moving sensation, that is often accompanied by nausea or even vomiting. The episodes typically last seconds to a minute and are triggered when the head is turned either to the right or left.
Benefits of the Epley Maneuver
What to Expect
The Epley Maneuver works by restoring balance within the inner ear. It involves a series of strategic, guided movements to treat and prevent symptoms of this type of vertigo.
The entire process is painless, takes just a few minutes and is performed in the office by one of our team.
*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*