Ear Infection
All About Ear Infections
Ear infections can be painful and uncomfortable. They can occur spontaneously but are often associated with a cold, throat infection, or even an allergy attack that causes fluid to become trapped in the middle ear. You’ll mostly find ear infections in children, but there’s no age limit to when one can experience an ear infection. It’s also important to differentiate these ear infections that occur behind the ear drum with swimmer’s ear which affects the ear canal because we will treat the two differently. Symptoms of an ear infection may include earaches, muffled hearing, and even fluid leaking from the ears. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, contact us so that we can get to the root cause of your problem and customize a solution for you.
MAKE AN APPOINTMENTTreatment Options for Ear Infections
When you first visit us you may be asked to undergo some tests so that we can get to the root cause of your struggle with ear infections. We do this because we don’t just want to treat the symptom—we want to identify and cure the underlying issue. Through consulting with us and walking through the treatment options that are relevant to your specific condition, we can recommend the treatment that best fits your needs.
Our Treatments