Treatments To Combat Dizziness

Is Dizziness A Problem For You?

Dizziness is a term we use to describe a wide range of sensations. You might feel woozy, faint, weak, or even unsteady when you are dizzy. Being dizzy gives you the sense that either you or the items around you are moving. Many adults visit their doctors every year because they are having frequent or even constant dizzy spells. These spells can have a significant impact on everyday life, but they are not usually life-threatening. Treatment largely depends on the cause of the symptoms.

Possible Dizziness Symptoms

Patients who say they are having dizzy spells will describe their symptoms in a number of ways. Some people will say they feel like things are spinning around them while others will describe being unsteady and losing their balance. There might be those who feel light-headed or as if they will faint and then there are those who feel like they are floating or have a heavy head. The feelings can be made worse or even triggered by walking, standing, or moving their head. Some people get nauseous when they are dizzy as well. These episodes can last for seconds or days and they can come and go.

When Is It Best To Call A Doctor?

If the dizzy spells are frequent enough that you aren’t able to move on with your normal life and activities, you will want to get checked out to treat the symptoms. If you experience a number of severe symptoms along with the dizziness, you will want to get emergency medical help. Some of those items include vomiting, a sudden change in speech, hearing, or vision, chest pain, fainting, severe headaches, high fevers, stiff necks, seizures, or shortness of breath. In those cases, get help immediately without delay.

The Numerous Causes Of Dizziness

It would be much easier if people simply got dizzy from spinning around too fast, but there are many possible causes and even underlying health conditions that can cause the issue. Here are a few to consider.

Inner Ear Problems

Your sense of balance relies on your inner ear as well as your eyes and your sensory system. When there is an issue with the inner ear, such as an infection, you can have dizziness symptoms as well. People who have migraines also often have inner ear disturbances that can cause vertigo and other dizzy spells.

Circulation Issues

You can feel faint and off balance if your heart doesn’t pump enough blood to your brain fast enough. You might have a drop in blood pressure, like when you stand up too fast, or you might have poor blood circulation.

Other Conditions

There are a number of other ailments that can cause you to be dizzy such as certain medications, low blood sugar or iron levels, neurological conditions, anxiety disorders, and dehydration.

Get The Answers You Need

In order to find out why you are dizzy and what you can do to help the condition, visit Breathe Clear Institute for help. You deserve to lead a life free from these dizzy spells.