Understanding Ear, Nose, and Throat Infection Symptoms

What Causes Ear, Nose, and Throat Infections?

The three most common ENT infections are ear infections, strep throat, sinusitis. These infections are usually caused by viruses, germs and bacteria infecting the areas. 

Ear infections

Ear infections are the most common condition. They occur when germs become trapped inside the middle ear. When the eustachian tube becomes clogged with fluid and bacteria, it can cause discomfort and lead to infection. This infection is most common in young children and is difficult to detect. 

Strep Throat 

Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by a bacteria called Streptococci. This infection occurs when the throat area is infected by that germ. This is a common infection in the winter season and can occur when you’ve come in contact with someone with a strep infection. The infection usually lasts up to two weeks. It is most common in children ages 5 to 15. 


Sinusitis occurs when a germ multilplies in the area around your eyes and nose. When the infection becomes trapped it can lead to inflammation, pressure, and pain. This will lead to trouble breathing, headaches, cough, nasal discharge and more. This infection is most likely to occure during the winter months. 

The Symptoms of Infections

Infections in the ear, nose, and throat can produce different symptoms. Sometimes these infections can spread to other areas. Here are the most common symptoms:

Nasal Infections

This infection, often known as Rhinitis, primarily affects the nasal passages. This can lead to you experiencing a stuffy, blocked nose, constant sneezing, fever, fatigue, severe cough and trouble breathing. 

Throat Infections 

When you’re dealing with a throat infection your throat will feel sore and scratchy. You may also experience trouble swallowing, fever, body aches, fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes and enlarged tonsils.

Ear Infections

When you have an ear infection you’ll experience painful earaches, ringing in the ear and earwax discharge. You may also have trouble hearing, loss of balance, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and fever. 

When dealing with these types of infections it’s common to experience a high fever. 

Treating Infection Symptoms

With Ear, Nose, and Throat infections, the good news is these mild symptoms tend to go away within a few days. Though the infection still might take weeks to clear up, you’ll slowly begin to notice your symptoms clearing up.

To manage your symptoms, you’ll need to take an over-the-counter painkiller like ibuprofen to relieve your pain and discomfort. This will help quickly reduce the inflammation and manage conditions like a high fever. Alongside the medication there are otherways you can help alleviate the discomfort as the infection clears up. We recommend you also:

  • Use a nasal spray to clear up a blocked and runny nose
  • Drink tea with honey to soothe a scratchy, sore throat
  • Dress warm when stepping outdoors (if cold)
  • Holding a warm compress against your ear to relieve an ear ache

When To See An ENT

If you see your symptoms begin to worsen, it’s best you consult with a doctor or an ENT specialist right away. An ENT specialist at Breathe Clear Institute can determine what’s causing the infection and look for a better treatment plan to treat it. Often times your symptoms and infection will require use of an antibiotic.

Struggling With An Ear, Nose, or Throat Infection? Make An Appointment At Breathe Clear Institute Today.

If you’re experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms from an infection, make an appointment for an evaluation at Breathe Clear Institute. We can help you decide the best treatment for your symptoms.