How to treat chronic snoring

Snoring and its causes 

We’ve all been around (or been that person) who snores at night, keeping everyone awake. Snoring happens when relaxed tissues in your throat vibrate, creating that irritatingly harsh noise we all know. People snore if they have allergies, had alcohol before sleep, sleeping on your back, or are clinically overweight. But, some snoring isn’t just bothersome and loud, but a sign of a more problematic condition that affects sleep. 

Good sleep happens in cycles and when those cycles are interrupted, you will not have a full night of rest. Snoring often affects the REM (rapid eye movement) portion of the sleep cycle, which is most imperative for memory and concentration. If you feel like your snoring is interrupting your dream sequences, that is your REM cycle that’s being disrupted. 

Problematic snoring symptoms

If someone is chronically experiencing any number of the symptoms listed below, we recommend making an appointment to come see us at the Breathe Clear Institute to get things under control.

  • Chest pain or gasping for breath while sleeping
  • Pauses in sleep, noticed by you or someone sleeping next to you
  • Restless sleep or snoring so loud it keeps your partner awake at night
  • Poor concentration, morning headaches, over tiredness the next day

We recommend keeping a sleep journal to track your sleep so we can better understand any patterns that might arise. For example, if you wake up in the middle of the night with a gasp, jot it down in a notebook on your bedside. Try to avoid documenting anything on your phone as it may cause you to stay awake longer than intended. Since we won’t be there to monitor your sleep on a nightly basis, this is the next best thing for proper evaluation. 

Heavy snoring is sometimes caused by an obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis, which is something we also help treat at our office. This would be a further conversation on how to manage and treat OSA beyond everyday helpful tips for snoring.

What to do to lessen snoring

If your snoring is disruptive to you or anyone in your household, it’s best to try a couple things to remedy it. Without having to consult a doctor, we recommend making the following changes to your routine to see if snoring decreases.

  • Limit or eliminate alcohol intake before bed
  • Sleep on your side or with your head elevated 
  • Clear your nasal passages with a spray or strips, use a humidifier at night
  • Maintain a healthy weight 
  • Avoid smoking and nightly sedatives, if possible
  • Understand your family history of snoring and/or breathing issues
  • Get check by your doctor for nasal problems and/or allergies 

Want to stop snoring? Schedule an appointment with Breathe Clear Institute 

If snoring is keeping you or others in your household awake at night, it’s time to get a handle on it and treat whatever is making you snore at night. Breathing properly while sleeping is essential to a good night’s rest and we are here to help make that happen.

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