What are the long-term effects of getting a nose job? (RE: rhinoplasty)

A nose job/rhinoplasty 

There are a myriad of reasons that a person would consider or need to have a rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job.” If you have a deviated septum, sinus issues, or want to change the appearance of your nose, the rhinoplasty is a well-known and popular surgery. 

Some patients come to us with a severe nasal fracture from contact sports or a substantial fall which is also treated with a rhinoplasty and is quite common. Whatever the reason might be, the Breathe Clear Institute and its staff will work with you to solve functionality and aesthetic issues from damage to the nose and its cavities. 

Now, what does a rhinoplasty surgery involve? Depending on the reason for the surgery, there may be different and more complicated steps along the way in comparison to a routine nose job. A simple rhinoplasty has six major steps:

  1. Administration of anesthesia
  2. Incision made at the surgical site
  3. Reshaping of the nose structure 
  4. Correction of deviated septum (if applicable)
  5. Closure of incision 
  6. Aftercare and healing process
  7. See and enjoy the results 

There are risks involved with a rhinoplasty. First, it’s important to do your research on plastic surgeons, if you’re interested in the aesthetic results of a surgical procedure. Rhinoplasty is one of our more common procedures and we understand it from all angles – we want you to breathe well and look good. 

Doctors always like to tell patients to manage expectations and know that results may vary. There are no guarantees that your nose will look the same, dramatically different, better or worse. 

What are the risks and long-term effects of a nose job

While we never plan to have things go wrong in surgery or post-surgery, there is always a chance that something unplanned happens. Like any surgery, there are many risks involved in getting a nose job. Some risks include:

  • Complications with anesthesia 
  • Numbness or pain at the surgical site 
  • Swelling, bruising, and skin coloration 
  • Unfavorable changes in breathing
  • Possible infections 
  • Poor healing or noticable scarring
  • Hole in the nasal septum 
  • Need for a revisional surgery
  • Unmet vanity expectations 

If everything goes well and according to plan, a rhinoplasty will have many positive outcomes such as clearing of nasal pathways and better breathing, restoring of nasal cavity functionality (while also addressing any aesthetic issues that need be addressed along the way), relief from sinus issues, and better sleep at night without incessant snoring. 

There’s no shame in getting a nose job, especially if it’s for medical reasons to improve your overall health. This procedure can make substantial changes in patients’ lives. Rhinoplasty is not something to take lightly, so it’s best to have multiple consultations before making the decision, even shopping around for different doctors.

Want to learn more? Schedule an appointment with Breathe Clear Institute 

Book an online appointment with us to go over your questions and concerns regarding your nose and its functionality. We will investigate all aspects of your breathing before concluding that a rhinoplasty is right for you.

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