Yes, It’s Finally Time To See An Allergy Specialist

Learn How An Allergy Specialist Can Offer Relief From Your Worst Symptoms

Not everyone likes visiting the doctor. Some people might even put it off at all costs, but at a certain point, they will need to do what’s best for their health and make an appointment. Allergies are tricky because they affect people in different ways. Some people will experience mild seasonal allergies, while others suffer from chronic symptoms. If your symptoms are having a negative impact on your overall quality of life, it’s time to contact an allergy specialist.

Why People Experience Allergies

The body’s self-defense system is complex and is critical to our survival, but sometimes it can become too aggressive. We want it to keep us safe from harmful intruders like viruses or bacteria, but not from harmless materials like dust, mold, and pollen. When the body identifies these as harmful, the immune system starts to attack the supposed intruder, which causes the allergy symptoms so many people experience.

Anyone Can Experience An Allergic Reaction

Regardless of age, race, gender, or ethnicity, anyone can experience the symptoms of an allergic reaction. It is most common for allergies to arise during childhood, but new allergy symptoms can occur for people at any age. It’s also possible for people to experience severe allergies as children, have them clear up as they start to age, and then reappear later in life.

Symptoms Telling You It’s Time To See An Allergy Specialist

Allergy symptoms can reveal themselves in a variety of ways and at different severity levels. Some can be managed with over-the-counter medication, but others will require formal treatment or prescription medication. Some symptoms that indicate it’s time to see a specialist include not just hay fever but chronic sinus infections, nasal congestion, chronic cough and wheezing. Even itchy skin can be a sign of allergies. Also, if you are experiencing hay fever or other allergy symptoms for several months out of the year, you should see a specialist. As a general rule, if your allergies are so severe and happen so frequently that they are having a substantial negative impact on your daily routine, it’s time to get help from a professional.

The Most Common Cause Of Allergies In Winter

As the temperature starts dropping people tend to close their windows, bring out extra blankets from storage, and let the family pets inside of the house more. For people who are allergic to pet dander and dust mites, this means that their allergy symptoms could very well flare up. Dust mites love beds, bedding, and carpets, so no matter how clean your house is, you have them. The dust mite allergy is one of the most common, and its symptoms include chronic nasal congestion and sneezing. A few things people can do to limit their reaction is to remove stuffed animals (and other dust collectors) from the bedroom, vacuum carpets regularly using a HEPA filter, and get an allergen encasement for mattresses and pillows.

The Most Effective Treatments For People Suffering From Allergies

Ideally, we would be able to avoid the things that we are allergic to, but often that’s not possible. For some allergy sufferers, a steroid nasal spray or antihistamines can provide adequate relief. For more severe cases and for people who want to get rid of their allergies, and not just treat them, we offer immunotherapy. We expose the body to trace doses of the allergen so the immune system stops seeing it as an invader. One method of doing this is through injection, and the newer, more modern means, is through allergy drops, also known as sublingual immunotherapy. When you come into the Breathe Clear Institute for your appointment, we will give you a full evaluation and recommend the best treatment option for you.