What is Earwax Blockage and How is it Treated?
Earwax is a natural substance that lubricates the ear and protects it from infection. In most cases, earwax can be removed by simply cleaning the outer part of your ear. However, sometimes an obstruction may occur in the ear canal, which can lead to discomfort and hearing loss. Earwax blockage is a common problem and can be painful. It is usually caused by excessive production of earwax, but it can also be a sign of a more serious underlying problem.
What are the symptoms of an earwax blockage?
Here are some of the signs that you have a blockage in your ear canals:
Itchy ear – This is one of the most common symptoms of an earwax blockage, and it can easily be mistaken for something else. The itching may be so severe that you can’t even sleep!
Earache – If you have a blocked ear, your eardrum will become inflamed and irritated, causing pain or discomfort.
Difficulty hearing/ringing in the ears/feeling of fullness in the ears – All these symptoms indicate that there’s something stuck or blocking your eardrum from letting sound through properly. It’s not uncommon to have wax build-up, but if you’re experiencing this type of problem, there’s a chance we may need to take care of it immediately!
How is earwax blockage diagnosed?
The first step in diagnosing an earwax blockage is a physical examination. The doctor will look at your ears with an otoscope, and if there is visible earwax in the canal, he or she can scrape it away with a curette. The doctor may also use an endoscope to examine the ear canal more thoroughly.
If you have chronic hearing loss and earwax blockage symptoms, you should make an appointment right away.
What are the complications of an earwax blockage?
- Tinnitus. Earwax build-up can cause a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears, known as tinnitus.
- Hearing loss. Earwax build-up can also cause hearing loss if it blocks the ear canal, preventing sound from entering your inner ear and being transferred to the brain for processing.
- Swelling of the ear canal is another possible complication of an earwax blockage—the swollen tissue may feel sore or tender when touched.
- A ruptured eardrum is another type of rupture that can occur if excessive force is applied to an ear with a buildup of wax on it. If you try to remove the wax by forcefully squeezing your fingers into the side of your head, it could burst through the fragile membrane that lines this area and causes pain as well as hearing loss (because the fluid will leak out). A ruptured eardrum may also lead to infection since there’s no barrier between you and germs. There are two types: perforated eardrum (a tiny hole) and burst eardrum (a larger one). Both require medical attention because they’re both painful too.
Get Earwax Blockage Treatment at Breathe Clear Institute
If you suspect that your ears are plugged, it’s important to seek treatment to avoid long-term damage or complications. Schedule an appointment and get immediate relief from earwax blockage symptoms with treatment at Breathe Clear Institute.