6 Ways To Relieve Sinus Pressure

Relieving Sinus Pressure and Congestion

If you’re suffering from sinus pressure and congestion, you know that it can make even the simplest tasks difficult. Here are six ways to find sinus relief so you can get back to doing what’s important:

Try nasal irrigation.

How to use nasal irrigation. 

  1. Fill the neti pot with room temperature water and add 2 teaspoons of salt.
  2. Place the spout of the neti pot in one nostril, tilt your head toward your chest, then pour gently until you feel it flow into your throat. Don’t swallow it! You should be able to feel where it’s going – if not, take a break and try again later.
  3. Wait for 10-15 seconds before blowing gently from your mouth. This will help flush out any remaining debris inside your sinuses (don’t worry—you won’t accidentally blow out anything important). Repeat this step on both sides as needed until all of the liquid has been poured out of both nostrils.

Use a humidifier.

Read the manual and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to learn how to use your humidifier. It’s important to clean your humidifier regularly, especially if you have hard water or have been using it for more than a few months. Do not add essential oils, fragrances, or cleaning products to the water reservoir of your humidifier. Doing so may cause damage that could result in injury or property damage.

If you are congested with a cold or allergies: Use warm mist (not cool) therapy as needed. Avoid products labeled “Cool Mist” because they do not deliver adequate moisture into the air and can be harmful if used incorrectly—especially during pregnancy or when treating children under 6 years old unless instructed otherwise by a doctor (reference product manual).

Another options is to purchase an evaporative cooler instead. They’re much less expensive than purifiers while still delivering similar benefits like reducing dust mites without any risk of mold growth like many purifiers do over time due to their design flaws which allow humidity levels inside their housings rise steadily until eventually reaching dangerous levels for consumers who breathe them regularly throughout their day-to-day activities at home/work etcetera…

Avoid cigarette smoke and other irritants.

Give your body a chance to heal. Avoid coffee and alcohol, which can cause dehydration that can aggravate sinus symptoms.

Dairy products—milk, yogurt, cheese—are often triggers for people with sinusitis and are best avoided while you’re trying to get rid of this condition. This means no ice cream or milkshakes either!

Spicy foods like chilies or anything containing vinegar or citrus fruits are also triggers for some people so if you’re one of them then try avoiding these as well until your congestion clears up (or at least limit these foods if you can’t deny yourself completely).

Apply warm compresses.

Apply warm compresses. When your sinuses are inflamed, applying a warm compress to your face can help reduce the pressure. There are many methods for creating a warm compress, from using a washcloth or cloth towel to placing a hot water bottle on your forehead. Try applying it for 5 minutes at a time and repeating several times per day until you feel better.

Use a decongestant or saline nasal spray.

If you have sinus pressure and congestion, a decongestant may help clear your sinuses. Decongestants work by constricting blood vessels in the nose, which reduces swelling. However, they should not be used for more than 3 days at a time because they can cause rebound congestion when you stop taking them.

If your doctor has prescribed a decongestant for you to use for longer than 3 days, he or she will most likely also prescribe an antihistamine to counteract drowsiness that may result from using the medication.

Tired of Sinus Pressure and Congestion?

If you’re suffering from sinus pressure, the most important thing to remember is that it will get better. Although it can be scary to have this problem, you don’t need to panic because there are many treatments available. Cold and hot compresses, nasal irrigation and decongestants can all be effective at relieving your symptoms as well as helping prevent them in the future. If these methods don’t work for you, then try going see your doctor about getting medication or undergoing surgery which might help clear out your sinuses permanently.

Still struggling with a sinus infection? Make an appointment with one of our Sinus Doctors at Breathe Clear Institute today.

For chronic sufferers who need a more definitive and long lasting solution, make an appointment for an evaluation at Breathe Clear Institute to see what treatment options are right for you.

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Sinus Pressure? A CT Scan Can Answer Your Questions

What Can You Do About Sinus Pressure?

Sinus pressure is uncomfortable and can disrupt your daily life. In severe cases, the pressure can turn into pain in the form of a headache, facial pain, tooth pain and pain between or behind the eyes. If you experience these symptoms, you will most likely want to get some help. An important step toward getting relief is accurately diagnosing the problem and figuring out which sinuses are swollen or blocked.  We do this by getting a CT scan.

What Is A CT Scan?

A CT or CAT scan allows doctors to see a detailed image of the structures inside your body. It uses a computer and a combination of X-rays to create a picture of your tissues, bones, and organs. These scans show much more detail than a simple X-ray. You can get a CT scan on any part of your body. The process is painless and takes less than a minute.

Is it performed in the office?

Yes, we offer the convenience of having a low-dose CT scan in our office so you won’t have to go to a hospital imaging facility. The scan is then reviewed with you in detail to determine if there are any structural issues and/or sinus diseases that are causing your symptoms. Following this, we will recommend your best treatment option.

Other benefits of our in-office CT scan include:

  • Producing a high-resolution CT scan to view immediately
  • Exposing our patients to less radiation – about 1/10th to 1/6th the dose of a conventional sinus ct
  • An open design for patient comfort

What symptoms would warrant a CT Scan?

If you have recurring symptoms of sinusitis or symptoms that will not go away, a CT scan is likely warranted.  Symptoms of sinusitis include nasal blockage, facial or forehead pressure, colorful postnasal drip, and cough. Your physician may try to treat your symptoms with medication first, but if this fails or if the pressure simply returns when the medication is completed, a scan may help us determine the cause. If your sinus pain is so severe that you cannot function, a scan may be your best and first option.

Are you awake?

You remain awake and standing up throughout the CT process. You will want to stay very still during the scan, but it is painless and takes less than a minute.

Is the procedure and recovery process painful?

Having a CT scan is like having an X-ray. Since it doesn’t hurt, there is no recovery process at all. You will not have any pain during or after the scan.

What are some issues that a CT Scan could help diagnose?

A CT scan can give the doctor a better view of your sinuses and can also identify any structural issues. If the doctor suspects sinusitis, the scan will help diagnose that ailment. It can also evaluate if the sinuses are filled with fluid and show thickened sinus membranes. If there is any inflammation present, it will be seen on the CT scan. In addition, you will receive information if there any tumors found in the sinuses or nasal cavity.